Friday, November 3, 2023


A very dear friend, who lives more than a few hundred miles away, has been inspired. Candace would like to learn more about Qigong, start practicing, see what all of this hoopla is about. But how?

How about finding a teacher? The largest city is an hour away. Even if she found a teacher in this far away city, is that teacher a good fit? What type of Qigong are they practicing? Will motivation be a challenge if she can see them just once a month? 

Are books the answer? I started off with one book by Kenneth Cohen. Is this a good place to start?  

Now, I have maybe thirty books by various authors. But can one learn technique by reading a book? 

I recommend: 

Qigong and the Tai Chi Axis by Mimi Duo Deemer

The Way of Qigong by Kenneth Cohen

Cultivating Vital Energy: a Qigong Workbook and Journal by Bee Buehring

How about the internet? Candace and her husband have just gotten hooked up to the cyber world. There are hundreds of YouTube videos, but will she be watching them on her phone screen? 

Hundreds of videos, hundreds of teachers; again, is this video a good fit? 

I asked my friend Conor "Where did you start?" He and I coincidentally started our practices by watching the same video, over and over again.
“Qigong for Cleansing” by Daisy Lee and Francesco Garripoli. I had attended one class prior to finding this video. The instructor had apparently also watched “Qigong for Cleansing.” He did all of the same moves. 

Ah! This must be Qigong! 

I found the video and was on my way. Making a spreadsheet helped my wrap my brain around the practice. 

Conor found that making an outline helped. We were going to get this down! 

An excerpt of the video is at the bottom of this post. 

To see the entire video with the "hows, what's and why's" you'll need to purchase a DVD or you can buy it on Amazon and stream it. Click on the link below.

Qigong for Cleansing

Let's stop for a moment and consider the scope of information about Qigong. When I first started practicing I was filled with confidence. I’ve learned “Qigong for Cleansing!” Cool, I get Qigong!

Ha! I’m now years into my practice and often feel like I don’t know a thing. But, my topic here is "taking that first step." 

I feel like I take that first step every day. 

What do I recommend?

  • Explore some Qigong videos on YouTube. I recommend Mimi Kuo Deemer, Nick Loffree, Alex Hui, Karen Soo, "Move with James," "Qigong with Kseny," "YoQi Yoga and Qigong" "Bodhi Acupuncture and Wellness"... Check out my friend Bee's website and videos at Forest Path Qigong. I'll post one below. Once you find a video that resonates, practice it daily. Just follow along. Eventually, you'll feel the Qi. 
  • Once you find a video, go to that teacher's website. They may offer live Zoom classes. 
  • Find a teacher. Many Yoga studios are now offering Qigong. 
  • Go to and look for Qigong groups. Some groups meet live, some hold online events.
  • Look on FaceBook for Qigong teachers or groups. 
  • Google Qigong near me... 
  • Be discerning. Maybe that teacher, that video, that book is a good fit, maybe not. 

An excerpt from "Qigong for Cleansing" by Daisy Lee and Francesco Garripoli


Three videos I recommend. Why? 
The teachers beautifully demonstrate the "forms" while offering clear explanations.

Top 2 Most Effective Qigong Exercises for Beginners by Nick Loffree

Eight Brocades by Mimi Kuo Deemer

Winter Qigong by Bee Buehring, Forest Path Qigong

Be well, be happy, and follow your bliss

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